Registry Guide for Windows Registry Guide for Windows
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Enable Path MTU Discovery (Windows NT/2000/XP)
Category: Home > Network > Protocols > TCP-IP

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Enabling the setting causes TCP to attempt to discover the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU or largest packet size) over the path to a remote host. By discovering the Path MTU and limiting TCP segments to this size, TCP can eliminate fragmentation at routers along the path that connect networks with different MTUs.

Open your registry and find the key below.

Create a new DWORD value, or modify the existing value called 'EnablePMTUDiscovery' using the settings below.

Exit your registry, you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect.

Registry Editor Example
|(Default)REG_SZ(value not set)|
|EnablePMTUDiscoveryREG_DWORD0x00000001 (1)|

System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters]
Name: EnablePMTUDiscovery
Value: (0 = false, 1 = true)

Disclaimer: Modifying the registry can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. We cannot guarantee that problems resulting from modifications to the registry can be solved. Use the information provided at your own risk.

Last Modified: May 14, 2002

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